Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Job X 2

This has been an interesting week. Joe started his new job Monday. So far, so good. Lately, I've been working really hard on my new "job" too. Jeni & I are just about ready to make our big announcement! Starting a business is hard enough, but WOW....when you have a toddler hanging on your leg it makes everything a challenge! What seems like a simple task, never really is. That is something she & I both have come to realize lately. We are both really excited about our little business venture, but I'm already wondering...when is my vacation? Oh yeah, and when do we get paid?!? I guess for now I'll have to settle for those little payments of cookie crumb kisses from Jax ;-)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Whoa! Time OUT!

The discussion in our house this week has been about discipline. We have an 18month old who is very busy and primarily interested in testing his boundaries lately. My husband & mother-in-law think he's ready to be introduced to the concept of "Time Out". What?!? My baby? No way! A few days ago I adamantly refused to even consider it. Then...well....then came the cell phone smashing tirade, the cheese up the nose trick (yes, I have pictures), the "let's pull the dog's ear off" challenge, the run from mommy into the street and then laugh hysterically incident and the new fun game of ripping the phone/internet cord out of the wall and whipping the dog with it repeatedly! I know you mothers out there are thinking "redirect him", "give him something else to focus on" (besides the poor dogs) yeah, yeah, I hear you, you're preaching to the choir here! My professional background includes a few years as an educator for early childhood development professionals. So, why all of a sudden am I questioning the teachings of most ECH experts & years of research clearly stating that the earliest age "Time Out" can be effective is 2 yrs? Well, #1 The experts haven't met my son & #2 I'm not sure how much more the dogs are willing to take!
Seriously, though I'm still not convinced he's ready for Time Out, my resolve is quickly weakening. I found myself Googling Time Out chairs today and I've got my eye on one shaped like a dog (appropriate don't you think?)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fun Weekend

Well, it was a fun weekend that went by too fast :-( The date w/ the hubby on Friday was nice, we stayed out until 1am! I got up early Sat. and headed out for the crop. I was tired but still got a lot done. I went to the baby shower right in the middle of the crop & missed a few hours, but that was okay, I wouldn't have missed Jamie's shower for anything...even a crop! When I got back I had won a prize. It was blue glitter glaze from Lil' Davis! At the crop I finished a mini album for my dad & started another one for my friend Angie. I also did a 12x12 LO for my brother's travel scrapbook. He came to visit me in April & I used a few pics for the LO. (I'll post pics of my projects in the gallery at the bottom of the blog.) I met several fellow fiskateers and already can't wait to spend another whole day scrap'n soon!

Friday, August 1, 2008

BIG weekend...

Usually one weekend just kind of runs into another around here but this weekend I have some fun plans! I woke up at 6:30am ready for the weekend to start! Tonight I have a date with my husband! A real baby, nice dinner, a movie...the works! I think the last movie we saw together was Horton Hears a Who (and Jax was w/ us).
As if the date wasn't enough for the weekend...tomorrow I get to go to an all-day crop! One of my fellow Fiskateers is hosting a crop in Mchenry (about 15 min. away)! In the middle of the crop I'm taking a break to go to a baby shower for a very good friend. Then back to the crop for more fun!
Sunday is booked too! Joe wants to get back into the routine of our Sunday Family Breakfast, so we will do that then I'll be meeting up with Jeni. She & I have been working on something super secret and super exciting. We should be ready to reveal ALL the details in another week or two!
I'll have my camera with me all weekend (like a good little scrap goddess should). I'll post some pics of my fun-filled weekend. Hope yours is a great one too!