Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Saying Goodbye

After the year we've been through I've learned to expect sadness at every turn. In a strange way I think it keeps me strong. We had to say goodbye to Sassy last week. It is difficult for me to reflect on my life and not have a memory of her there by my side. She was 5 wks, 2 days young when she peeped out of a jacket pocket and jumped into my heart. At 12 years, 8 months and 20 days old I held her in my arms and said goodbye. In true Sassy style she kept giving her "kisses" until the very end. Her absence feels heavy now but it gives me peace to remember she is no longer in pain. It hurts a little less to imagine she just might be hanging out under a shade tree somewhere with her "Nana".


Unknown said...

I can't help but think of all of the fun times she brought me. She was really an AMAZING dog. I'm sure mom is loving the fact that one of the many dogs she loved is finally hanging out with her again.

Craig Hallmark

Mardi said...

Oh my goodness Amber, my heart goes out to you! I know what that feeling feels like. I have lost a few furry kids in my lifetime. Congrats on your new adventure!
